


  • 主演: SophieSchtt RalfBauer JuliaMalik JanGregorKremp SimoneKabst
  • 导演: PeterStauch
  • 类型:纪录片 剧情
  • 地区:德国
  • 简介:

    After finishing her studies in literature, Claudia works as a cashier at the supermarket. She is a happy girl who counts her co-workers amon…After finishing her studies in literature, Claudia works as a cashier at the supermarket. She is a happy girl who counts her co-workers among her best friends. The only sore spot has been her love life, but now that her secret high school crush Martin has returned, Claudia’s hopes are ignited.Martin had been in America, where his attempts to make it as a professional singer had failed. Now broke, he’s forced to sing his old hits in dreary shopping malls to make ends meet.When Claudia sees him again, her heart skips a beat.After one of his mall gigs, she works up the courage to tell him who she is and that she still feels attracted to him. Martin reacts with ice-cold arrogance, as if he, the big superstar, is just too good for her.At a publishing company’s celebration Martin tells the director that he is taking time off to write his own biography – to cover up his failure as a pop star. The director is very interested and wants to see a selection from what he has already written.Martin sees his chance for a comeback but has no idea how to write a book. Then he thinks of Claudia, who would be more than willing to help him. When the director reads the first excerpts, he is enthusiastic.When Martin sings a song just for her, Claudia’s heart melts… To impress Claudia, Martin invites Claudia to a luxury hotel.But when her friends also show up unexpectedly, Martin’s boast of being a regular guest is exposed as a lie. Filled with rage, he cruelly insults Claudia who angrily breaks off all contact with him.Even when he begs for her forgiveness, she simply does not want to hear it.Filled with rage, he cruelly insults Claudia – who angrily breaks off all contact with him.Even when he begs for her forgiveness, she simply does not want to hear it.The only thing she wants is to finish the biography. Still, Claudia becomes jealous when she learns that Martin is attracted to another woman...Just when Claudia is running out of time to finish the biography, it is as if her mind shuts down – she suddenly can no longer write!However, after Martin finally confesses his love to Claudia and the two spend a passionate night together, and her writer’s block disappears. But when the book is formally presented, Claudia is shocked that her name is not mentioned anywhere. Feeling betrayed, she once again cuts Martin completely out of her life, but this time for good...展开全部收起全部




  • 主演: SophieSchtt RalfBauer JuliaMalik JanGregorKremp SimoneKabst
  • 导演: PeterStauch
  • 地区:德国
  • 简介:

    After finishing her studies in literature, Claudia works as a cashier at the supermarket. She is a happy girl who counts her co-workers amon…After finishing her studies in literature, Claudia works as a cashier at the supermarket. She is a happy girl who counts her co-workers among her best friends. The only sore spot has been her love life, but now that her secret high school crush Martin has returned, Claudia’s hopes are ignited.Martin had been in America, where his attempts to make it as a professional singer had failed. Now broke, he’s forced to sing his old hits in dreary shopping malls to make ends meet.When Claudia sees him again, her heart skips a beat.After one of his mall gigs, she works up the courage to tell him who she is and that she still feels attracted to him. Martin reacts with ice-cold arrogance, as if he, the big superstar, is just too good for her.At a publishing company’s celebration Martin tells the director that he is taking time off to write his own biography – to cover up his failure as a pop star. The director is very interested and wants to see a selection from what he has already written.Martin sees his chance for a comeback but has no idea how to write a book. Then he thinks of Claudia, who would be more than willing to help him. When the director reads the first excerpts, he is enthusiastic.When Martin sings a song just for her, Claudia’s heart melts… To impress Claudia, Martin invites Claudia to a luxury hotel.But when her friends also show up unexpectedly, Martin’s boast of being a regular guest is exposed as a lie. Filled with rage, he cruelly insults Claudia who angrily breaks off all contact with him.Even when he begs for her forgiveness, she simply does not want to hear it.Filled with rage, he cruelly insults Claudia – who angrily breaks off all contact with him.Even when he begs for her forgiveness, she simply does not want to hear it.The only thing she wants is to finish the biography. Still, Claudia becomes jealous when she learns that Martin is attracted to another woman...Just when Claudia is running out of time to finish the biography, it is as if her mind shuts down – she suddenly can no longer write!However, after Martin finally confesses his love to Claudia and the two spend a passionate night together, and her writer’s block disappears. But when the book is formally presented, Claudia is shocked that her name is not mentioned anywhere. Feeling betrayed, she once again cuts Martin completely out of her life, but this time for good...展开全部收起全部




  • 主演: Sophie Schütt Ralf Bauer Julia Malik Jan Gregor Kremp Simone Kabst
  • 导演: Peter Stauch PeterStauch
  • 地区:德国
  • 简介:




  • 导演: 约书亚·瓦桑
  • 地区:美国
  • 简介:





  • 别名:小女孩
  • 主演: 颂恩·宋帕山 婉娜拉·宋提查
  • 类型:言情 偶像 剧情
  • 地区:泰国
  • 简介:

    尚奇与苏丽的订婚,让富豪子达伦陷入失恋之中。 尚奇的父亲张新儒伯爵把自己的舞伴孟熙带回了家,父子两人产生了激烈的争吵。在孟熙的冷嘲热讽中,尚奇…尚奇与苏丽的订婚,让富豪子达伦陷入失恋之中。 尚奇的父亲张新儒伯爵把自己的舞伴孟熙带回了家,父子两人产生了激烈的争吵。在孟熙的冷嘲热讽中,尚奇离家出走,打算投靠自己的好友品华。不料在路上却遭到抢劫,以致尚奇身受重伤。等尚奇醒来之后,才发现自己身无分文,也记不得从前的事情了。无意中走进一个码头,成为了搬运工。船只途径“彩象岛”时,尚奇听到了美妙的歌声,于是跳下水,游向那美妙歌声传来的地方。不料却溺水,幸好美妙歌声的主人妮乐及时救了他。之后尚奇留在了彩象岛,日久生情,和妮乐结了婚。直到他曾经的美术老师在彩象岛发现了他的美术作品,于是把尚奇的下落告诉了他的父亲。随后尚奇被带回曼谷治病,而妮乐也跟随尚奇到了曼谷。展开全部收起全部
