- 主演: StarringChristianKohlund
- 导演: 德特马尔·克莱恩
- 类型:剧情
- 地区:德国
Hotel manager Marcus Winter is awaiting an important visitor to the Emirates Palace Hotel. His long-time friend the representative of a bi…Hotel manager Marcus Winter is awaiting an important visitor to the Emirates Palace Hotel. His long-time friend the representative of a big tour operator should be arriving soon to inspect the hotel. But instead of his friend, its a new inspector that comes Sarah Riems, whose ideas concerning the needs of hotel guests greatly differ from those of Marcus. Trying to impress Sarah with the distinctive flair of his hotel, Marcus makes a grand presentation, emphasizing the spectacular regional cuisine and even taking the inspector on several trips into the breathtaking desert. Still, it looks展开全部收起全部
- 主演: StarringChristianKohlund SonjaKirchberger
- 导演: 德特马尔·克莱恩
- 地区:德国
Hotel manager Marcus Winter is awaiting an important visitor to the Emirates Palace Hotel.His long-time friend – the representative of a bi…Hotel manager Marcus Winter is awaiting an important visitor to the Emirates Palace Hotel.His long-time friend – the representative of a big tour operator – should be arriving soon to inspect the hotel.But instead of his friend, it’s a new inspector that comes – Sarah Riems, whose ideas concerning the needs of hotel guests greatly differ from those of Marcus.Trying to impress Sarah with the distinctive flair of his hotel, Marcus makes a grand presentation, emphasizing the spectacular regional cuisine and even taking the inspector on several trips into the breathtaking desert. Still, it looks like a hard sell…At the same time, Anna, the hotel’s decorator, excitedly awaits the arrival of visitors of her own - her pen-pal Max and his friend Holger. Although Max and Anna have only once briefly met, his extremely romantic letters have filled her heart with passion.Once her guests are settled in the hotel though, it becomes quickly obvious to Anna that the Max who had inspired such a love in her through his letters is much different than the one she now sees before her.It’s the artistic Holger who is presently stirring her desire, which leads to a growing rivalry between the two men that strains their friendship.Meanwhile, the single mother Renate and her son Tobias have traveled to the hotel for a dream holiday. Soon, Renate’s real reason for the trip to Dubai surfaces - she wants Tobias to become acquainted with his father, who operates boat tours for the hotel guests – and who doesn’t even know his son exists…展开全部收起全部
- 主演: StarringChristianKohlund RuthMariaKubitschek
- 导演: GloriaBehrens GloriaBehrens
- 类型:剧情
- 地区:德国
马克思温特改名后来到毛里求斯,他是一名富有经验的旅店经理,并且正在考虑蒂娜伯杰是否有能力掌管狄娜罗宾这家极负盛誉的豪华度假村。 事实上,蒂娜是…马克思温特改名后来到毛里求斯,他是一名富有经验的旅店经理,并且正在考虑蒂娜伯杰是否有能力掌管狄娜罗宾这家极负盛誉的豪华度假村。 事实上,蒂娜是个非常有能力并且最适合这项工作的人---她从一名普通的女仆做到了主管的位置,并且熟知旅店内内外外的一切事务。但就在这个时候,她的生活搅乱了她的工作,她即将成为一名母亲,但她的不可靠的男朋友却把她敢出了家门。 蒂娜听到了一些风声:她的工作能力正在被考验,但不幸的是,她一直相信的史蒂芬神父,一个随和的大奖赛冠军,其实是一名收购酒店的投机者,而蒂娜此时却不并不知情,尽心尽力的让史蒂芬的假期过得完美。 另一方面,对于马克思来说,所有事情都会走向不好的方向:他错过了转让旅店的机会,他的住处变成了杂物房。他还被误认为是一名服务生,并且被命令去清理游泳池。最初,这个苛刻的旅店经理有足够的理由质疑蒂娜的能力。 然而,马克思留意到了蒂娜的优势:所有情况都在蒂娜的掌控之中,即便蒂娜工作量巨大,她也能抽出时间为他准备上一顿豪华的早餐---即便就蒂娜而言,马克思只是一个普通的客人.马克思感觉到越来越被这个易冲动的女人所吸引,蒂娜也慢慢的爱上了这位迷人的麦尔先生。然而,当她得知谁是她真正要对付的人,即便是再迷人的环境和再美丽的毛里求斯星光熠熠的天空都不能平息蒂娜的愤怒……展开全部收起全部
- 主演: Starring Christian Kohlund Ruth Maria Kubitschek StarringChristianKohlund RuthMariaKubitschek
- 导演: Gloria Behrens GloriaBehrens
- 地区:德国
马克思温特改名后来到毛里求斯,他是一名富有经验的旅店经理,并且正在考虑蒂娜伯杰是否有能力掌管狄娜罗宾这家极负盛誉的豪华度假村。 事实上,蒂娜是…马克思温特改名后来到毛里求斯,他是一名富有经验的旅店经理,并且正在考虑蒂娜伯杰是否有能力掌管狄娜罗宾这家极负盛誉的豪华度假村。 事实上,蒂娜是个非常有能力并且最适合这项工作的人---她从一名普通的女仆做到了主管的位置,并且熟知旅店内内外外的一切事务。但就在这个时候,她的生活搅乱了她的工作,她即将成为一名母亲,但她的不可靠的男朋友却把她敢出了家门。 蒂娜听到了一些风声:她的工作能力正在被考验,但不幸的是,她一直相信的史蒂芬神父,一个随和的大奖赛冠军,其实是一名收购酒店的投机者,而蒂娜此时却不并不知情,尽心尽力的让史蒂芬的假期过得完美。 另一方面,对于马克思来说,所有事情都会走向不好的方向:他错过了转让旅店的机会,他的住处变成了杂物房。他还被误认为是一名服务生,并且被命令去清理游泳池。最初,这个苛刻的旅店经理有足够的理由质疑蒂娜的能力。 然而,马克思留意到了蒂娜的优势:所有情况都在蒂娜的掌控之中,即便蒂娜工作量巨大,她也能抽出时间为他准备上一顿豪华的早餐---即便就蒂娜而言,马克思只是一个普通的客人.马克思感觉到越来越被这个易冲动的女人所吸引,蒂娜也慢慢的爱上了这位迷人的麦尔先生。然而,当她得知谁是她真正要对付的人,即便是再迷人的环境和再美丽的毛里求斯星光熠熠的天空都不能平息蒂娜的愤怒……展开全部收起全部
- 主演: Starring Christian Kohlund Sonja Kirchberger StarringChristianKohlund SonjaKirchberger
- 导演: 德特马尔·克莱恩
- 地区:德国
Hotel manager Marcus Winter is awaiting an important visitor to the Emirates Palace Hotel.His long-time friend – the representative of a bi…Hotel manager Marcus Winter is awaiting an important visitor to the Emirates Palace Hotel.His long-time friend – the representative of a big tour operator – should be arriving soon to inspect the hotel.But instead of his friend, it’s a new inspector that comes – Sarah Riems, whose ideas concerning the needs of hotel guests greatly differ from those of Marcus.Trying to impress Sarah with the distinctive flair of his hotel, Marcus makes a grand presentation, emphasizing the spectacular regional cuisine and even taking the inspector on several trips into the breathtaking desert. Still, it looks like a hard sell…At the same time, Anna, the hotel’s decorator, excitedly awaits the arrival of visitors of her own - her pen-pal Max and his friend Holger. Although Max and Anna have only once briefly met, his extremely romantic letters have filled her heart with passion.Once her guests are settled in the hotel though, it becomes quickly obvious to Anna that the Max who had inspired such a love in her through his letters is much different than the one she now sees before her.It’s the artistic Holger who is presently stirring her desire, which leads to a growing rivalry between the two men that strains their friendship.Meanwhile, the single mother Renate and her son Tobias have traveled to the hotel for a dream holiday. Soon, Renate’s real reason for the trip to Dubai surfaces - she wants Tobias to become acquainted with his father, who operates boat tours for the hotel guests – and who doesn’t even know his son exists…展开全部收起全部